Littlebourne places a huge emphasis on all children in the school accessing ‘Quality First Teaching’, including extensive understanding of inclusive teaching practice.
If any child in the school shows less than expected progress in their development both academically and wider then additional provision is put in place, regardless of whether a SEN/D is identified. These interventions give an opportunity to close any progress gaps.
These additional provisions are monitored closely by the SENCO and Class Teacher termly to ensure they are having the desired effect. This is reviewed and additional plans made if progress is not made. All children could be on a class provision map at some point in their education. This just means they require additional provision, often for a limited amount of time or specific to one area of development.
For pupils with an Education, Health and Care Plan there will be an Annual Review of the provision made for the child, which will enable an evaluation of the effectiveness of the specific provision.
If your child is accessing an intervention, the class teacher will let you know.