class-dojo parent-mail

Littlebourne Church of England Primary School

Together, we grow, thrive and achieve




It is important for our children to be able to develop children that are self-aware, skilled socially, manage their feelings, are motivated and can empathise with others. We ensure each of these skills are built in to every topic throughout from Year 1 to 6 throughout the year to nurture these essential skills.  This journey is started with EYFS where the foundation of their learning is built upon strong PSHE development.




We implement out PSHE curriculum through JIGSAW which is taught weekly in all year groups. Each year group has it’s own JIGSAW friend. These friends are Jenie- Nursery/EYFS, Jack – Year 1, Jo – Year 2, Jino – Year 3, Jaz – Year 4, Jez – Year 5 and Jem – Year 6. These friends are used as talking objects and promote confidence to talk and engage.


We teach six topics which develop progressively. The topics include: Being Me in my world, Celebrating Difference, Dreams and Goals, Healthy Me, Relationships and Changing Me.  Each lesson follows a specific sequence allowing us to connect with the children and open their minds up to learning.  We then introduce new information, concepts and skills using different activities. We also provide the children the opportunity to manipulate and play with the new information in order for it to make sense to them.  Reflection is an important aspect of their learning experience and progress so this is also woven into our sessions.




Our children will be able to:


  • Justify their choices and stay safe in their different environments.
  • Be problem-solvers and be more democratic.
  • Identify strategies that will allow them to stand up for themselves and what they stand for.
  • Develop their confidence, ability to work as part of a group and be able to deal with disappointments.
  • Avoid unhealthy relationship
  • Understand the various ways that boys and girls are different both physically and in personality and discuss how to protect theirs’ and others’ privacy.