Special Educational Needs /Disabilities at Littlebourne
“At Littlebourne, we foster a nurturing, inclusive school community. Following the example of Jesus, we act with compassion, to look outwards to serve our neighbour. We empower all to be lifelong, respectful learners who flourish under God’s guidance. Through our aspirational creative curriculum, we grow and thrive together.”
At Littlebourne, we are dedicated to enabling all children to develop as a ‘whole’ child, through our fully inclusive, nurturing small school environment. We are proud to support all our children in their goal to feel empowered to grow, thrive and achieve at school, via the happy and safe environment we provide for all children. We passionately believe that all children at Littlebourne have the right to achieve their potential from their own starting point and fully embrace each child as an individual with their own unique needs.
For children with identified Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities, we are dedicated to ensuring that they can access appropriate learning opportunities, and we aim to intervene and support both the child and their family, as quickly as possible. We strive to support every child and their individual needs and specific barriers to learning, through our focused Quality First Teaching approach. Where required, we are experienced in offering a wide and comprehensive variety of specific, supportive interventions, in order to complement this approach. Where children require additional specialised support, we utilise this from outside professionals/agencies, to ensure our provision for all children is successful.
Our approach to SEN/D strengthens and supports the Christian identity of our school; reaffirming our vision and associated values of Respect, Compassion, Koinonia, Courage, Hope; celebrating the central role that each child has to play in their community.
More information on the types of support available to schools and pupils with SEN/D can be found on https://www.kelsi.org.uk/.
All documents referenced are available in paper format from the school office upon request.
Littlebourne is an inclusive school and we would invite parents of children with additional needs to visit the school in order to view our internal and external environments and discuss our approaches to teaching and learning in further detail.