At Littlebourne we work closely with the educational settings attended by new pupils before they transfer to us, in order to seek the information that will make the transfer as seamless as possible.
Arrangements may include:
- Teacher (and SENCO where appropriate) visits to Nursery
- Transition events/afternoons within school
Where a pupil has been identified with SEN/D prior to starting school, we work closely with Pre-school settings, Specialist Teachers/Health Professionals and parents to gather information and to plan for additional support as needed.
This may include:
- Additional visits/time with staff members
- Transition meetings
- Additional supports such as general or individualised Social Stories/Visual supports.
Within school and between phases, we identify children who may be vulnerable at transition and work with all, to put in additional supports such as:
- Child friendly additional supports such as general or individualised Social Stories/Visual supports.
- Additional visits to their new classroom
- Additional time with new staff members
- Staff to staff Transition documents and meetings
We also contribute information to a pupils’ next school destination by providing information to their new school.
These include:
- Transition days for children at local secondary schools
- Visits from secondary school teachers to meet with transferring children and class teachers.
- If appropriate, additional transition meetings can be arranged to involve parents, pupils, primary SENCO and secondary SENCO at which further supports may be planned.
- Annual Review Meetings (for pupils EHCP) are also used to plan for and support transitions.