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Littlebourne Church of England Primary School

Together, we grow, thrive and achieve

Pupil Premium

Pupil Premium

Pupil Premium (PP) is a grant given to schools to identify and support pupils who have significant disadvantages so that their progress is maximised.  The government provides this grant so that schools can allocate additional support to ensure that the attainment and progress of disadvantaged pupils at least match or are rapidly approaching those of other pupils nationally and in the school.

At Littlebourne, this funding is allocated to direct academic support to ensure all pupils in receipt of the PP have the necessary support to reach at least national standards of attainment in the core areas of reading, writing and mathematics by the time they leave the school. Further PP funds are used to ensure pupils are able to play a full part in the life of the school, removing any differences in opportunity that might occur as a result of financial constraints.

Pupil Premium Strategy

Applying For Free School Meals


If you would like to find out if or not your child is entitled to free school meals, you can apply using the Apply For Free School Meals link which can be found below.  If you would like any support or help with this then please contact our school office on 01227 721671 or by e-mailing


Apply For Free School Meals
