class-dojo parent-mail

Littlebourne Church of England Primary School

Together, we grow, thrive and achieve

Littlebourne SENCO


Littlebourne SENCO



My name is Mrs Charlotte McLean and I am our Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCo) at Littlebourne CE Primary School. I am a qualified teacher and have specific qualifications in areas relating to Special Educational Needs and Disabilities. I lead on the identification of and appropriateness of provision for children with additional educational needs, which includes children identified with a special educational need/disability (SEN/D).


At Littlebourne we monitor all children’s progress termly, sometimes offering children additional, targeted support. This does not necessarily mean a child has a special educational need and/or disability. This support is closely monitored and reviewed termly (6 times a year) to review its effectiveness and allow us to make changes when/if required. This forms our ‘Graduated Approach’ to additional provision; Assess, Plan, Do, Review, ensuring we secure positive outcomes for all our children. Sometimes we may feel that a child is having significant difficulty in their learning, or needs further additional and more specific support. In these cases, we will arrange to meet with you to discuss our concerns and the support we feel your child may need.  We may feel it would be useful to seek specialist advice from outside professionals and we will discuss this with you and keep you informed at all times. Your child may be placed on SEN with support (the old SEN register) so that their progress and needs can be monitored. We will have regular meetings with you and your child to ensure that we have a clear picture of their needs and how they can be further supported.


At Littlebourne we have an open door policy for parents, and believe that face to face conversations are the best way to develop a strong partnership between home and school. We also understand that for working parents it can be a challenge to fit meetings around other commitments and we always try to be as flexible as possible.


If you have any concerns about your child, please do not hesitate to speak to their class teacher in the first instance in order to discuss any individual needs or concerns.  If necessary, an appointment to see Mrs McLean can be arranged on either Mondays and Thursdays each week. Mrs McLean can be contacted via the school office (01227) 721 671 or via email
